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Awtrix Clock | Neopixels Matrix | RGB LED Matrix Display

$105.00 (EU VATs Exclude)

Awtrix, a Neopixel Matrix Display Unit

awtrix rgb led matrix clock

Awtrix is an open source project, click here to see detailed info. You can buy from the original designer if you are in EU. Thanks to Stephan Mühl(author), who have sacrificed his private time for this awsome project.

awtrix rgb led matrix clock


awtrix server

Awtrix (Awsome Matrix) is an RGB LED matrix display for showing time, weather, stock value and other information. The matrix is controlled by a host server(java based), you are able to customize the displayed information with the so called APP programes installed on the host server. The connection to the host server could be via WiFi or via USB. The core of Awtrix is an ESP8266 WiFi module, by which the WS2812B matrix is controlled. The host server could be a windows PC, linux PC or even a single board computer like Raspberry Pi.

awtrix rgb led matrix clock

There are 3 capacitive touching buttons on top in order to switch display contents and unit setting. The unit is powered with a 5V/2A power supply, you can leave it alone once it is powered up and connected to your WiFi network. The display contents is configured via host server, where it sends the display information to the awtrix unit via WiFi or USB.

awtrix rgb led matrix clock

For ham radio operators, awtrix could be a callsign display board, it could be a ham radio info display unit if you are a coding expert.

awtrix rgb led matrix clock

1. The unit here has no host server included, you have to prepare a host server by yourself, a Respberry Pi 3B is highly recommended.
2. The firmware of awtrix display unit is pre-flashed before shipment, so you do not need to do it again later.
3. You could add a temperature sensor(BME280) to the unit later, and we suggest to install it out of the housing as this will make the measured temperature value more precise (not affected by the heat inside the housing).
4. It’s a fully assembled unit.

Weight 0.8 kg

Awtrix Kit, Awtrix Assembled


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