
uBitx Digi-Interface Module (Add-on Board)

(2 customer reviews)

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uBitx digi mode interface with sound card
HF digiBox


The uBitx digi-interface module is an add-on module board for uBitx transceiver. It features with full isolation, single usb for CAT and Audio control, and Rx and Tx audio level controllable. With this add-on board, the uBitx is able to work on ham radio digital modes, FT8, JT65, PSK or RTTY etc. The digi-interface module is easy to install, you could either install it on top of uBitx main board or mount it on the rear panel of your uBitx radio. The key step of the installation is to solder the RX, TX audio and 5V power supply to the digi-interface board. The uBitx radio’s PTT is controlled by PC via radio CAT protocol, and the protocol used for radio communication is Yaeasu FT-817. You could even use the module’s USB port for firmware uploading with Xloader. The Tx and Rx audio could be controlled by PC or the 2 potential meters. Click here for the SCHMATIC DIAGRAM.


  • Fully Isolated, even with USB Connections
  • Single USB Port for CAT, Audio and Firmware Upload
  • Flexible Installation, Panel Mount or via Cable connection
  • RX and TX Audio Level Controllable


  • Power Supply: 5V via uBitx Raduino and PC USB (150 mA)
  • Audio Freq Response: Approx. 200Hz – 4000Hz @ 600 ohms
  • Sampling Size/Rate: 16 Bits, All standard rates are supported up to 48Khz
  • PC OS: Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8.x and Windows 10
  • Radio In/Out Z: 600 Ohm (nom). TX/RX Levels are fully adjustable
  • PTT Control: via CAT commands
  • Radio Connection: TRX-GND, TX-Audio, TRX-GND, RX-Audio, TRX-GND, 5V
  • PC Connection: USB 2.0/3.0 Compatible, Standard USB “B” type connector
  • Other Connectors: TX Monitor – 3.5mm mono*
  • Dimensions: 3.93″ x 2.36″, 10cm x 6cm
  • Operating Temp: -30C to +60C

Files and Documents for download:

  1. Panel Mount Drill Template for Print (unit: mm)
  2. Panel Mount Labels and Drawings for Print (unit: mm)
  3. Schamatic diagram
Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 100 × 60 × 40 mm

2 reviews for uBitx Digi-Interface Module (Add-on Board)

  1. ldocull (verified owner)

    This little device was easy to install and worked fabulously! I have it integrated with HRD and the uBitx for FT8. Awesome sauce! – WR9R

  2. yo4tnv (verified owner)

    Works well, as stated, uBitx v6+Nextion, CAT works if board is fed externally on TRXGND/TRX5v pads. 73 de YO4TNV

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