
OpenMQTTGateway with ESP32 | IR BLE and 433 to WiFi | Home Assistant OpenMQTTGateway

$38.00 (EU VATs Exclude)

OpenMQTTGateway for Smart Home System FREE SHIPPING

OpenMQTTGateWay is a device that convert the traditional RF433/315MHz, IR or BLE information  or commands to TCP/IP (MQTT) packets. So with OpenMQTTGateway, you can make your old dumb devices “smart” and avoid throwing them away. For example, you can connect your old RF433 garage door to your smart home system, and you can also control your old TV (with IR) or air conditioner via your smart home system (Home Assistant alike). For more information on OpenMQTTGateway, check here https://docs.openmqttgateway.com/

The OpenMQTTGateway board here features RF433, IR with multiple TX LEDs, BLE, SR505 pir sensor and DS18B20 temperature sensor. All of these sensors are connected to ESP32, since this is an open source project, you can build your own firmware of different features. To power up the board is just easy, just connect a microUSB cable to ESP32 board, and with the other end to a wall charger or a power bank. Github repository, https://github.com/1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway

Source Code: openmqttGateway-1.7.0, click me!

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